What is it about?

A one day conference that will bring together experts, technology and wisdom that will inspire and drive the new rural economy forward with new technology, crops and vision.

Who will be there?

Growers – corn, cannabis, greenhouse growers, soybean & small grain sharing their knowledge and experience on how to lower costs, increase productivity, all leading to greater success and income.

Entrepreneurs – Developers of new technology for processing hemp, grain and agricultural byproducts as well as on-farm energy, battery and transportation, and food production

Experts – Agronomy, Livestock, Technology, Cooperatives Bio-science, Nanotechnology, Carbon sequestering

Who should attend?

Anyone with an interest in the future of America and its position leading the world in agricultural innovation including farmers/ranchers, bankers, entrepreneurs, educators, investors, and regional, state and community leaders.

AGENDA (tentative)

Thursday, February 13, 2020    download Agenda, pdf, Team Meeting

Time:                 4 pm – 6 pm

4:00 Dean Goette                            Welcome, settling in

4:30 Tom McClain                           Setting the Stage/Opening remarks
         /Andy Skadberg

5:00 – 5:30 Craig Lee                      The Vision – History and Opportunities                          

5:30 – 6:00  Steve Gruhn               Agenda for the next two days, format, networking

Evening Free

Friday, February 14, 2020             

7:45                                                       Welcome, settling in                      

8:00                                                      Panel discussion (Tom, Steve, Monte, Craig, Montana, other states?)    

9:00  Steven Gruhn                         Biochar/Hempcrete/Vinegar/Carbon Sequestration

10:00  Howard Barrie                      TerraQuest, Remote Sensing, precision farming
            /Andy Skadberg

11:00  Zac Wright                              Soil Building and Hemp

12:00  Lunch and Chuck Horn      Solid State Pyrolosis, NeetCoat, Nano Ridge
        or Joseph Harris                        Containerized systems, New Orleans, international

1:00  Robert (Bob) Albertson, Jim Smith, Randy Schwake,
                                                              Carbon/Graphene battery from hemp biomass for battery technologies

2:00 Kevin Klungtvrdt,                    Carbon nanotube technology
         Kurt Knappen

3:00 David Cannon                          Gelatida.com Hemp infused Gelato ice cream

4:00 T Wayne Green, Dennis Moore, Cecil Massiy, Larry Kruse
                                                               Nutritein - Field corn to Food corn and Hemp

Open networking, group meetings to discuss next steps                              

Evening Free

AGENDA (tentative)

Saturday, February 15, 2020

8:00 am –  6:00 pm           Formal presentations

8:15                                         Welcome, settling in                      

8:30 Dean Goette,              Local farm issues, various projects, farmer co-op

8:45 Steve Gruhn               Custer, SD & Strasburg, North Dakota, processing, biochar/vinegar
         /Monte Bertsch                      

9:45 Break

10:00 Craig Lee                    Key Note Address /  State of the U.S Hemp Industry

11:30 Camron Kabe             Insurance warranty certification + Banking/funding

12:00                                        Lunch

1:00  Zach Wright                Soil Health, Hemp and lowering out of pocket costs

2:30 – 2:45                              Break

2:45  Dan Pavich                  SymbiosisAG, Redeemer (fish bio-stimulant)

4:15  Tom McClain               Combining remote sensing and precision farming - rapidly developing
               methods for efficient and effective technology application on the farm

5:00 Panel discussion        Answering questions – where do we go from here – hooking links of the chain
                                                   Craig Lee, Tom McClain, Steve Gruhn, Monte Bertsch, Dean Goette

6:00                                        Concluding remarks, what’s next, the online resource center, Andy Skadberg 